Financial results

of ZAD European Insurance Company

European Insurance and Insurance Company ZAD is a company registered in Bulgaria with the address of management and headquarters of the company –
Sofia, Tsanko Tserkovski St. 67A.

The address for correspondence with EZOK ZAD is the city of Sofia, bul. Tzar Osvoboditel” 21.

On the links in the Documents section, you can find Detailed Consolidated Annual Reports on the Company’s Activity for 2016 and 2015.

European Insurance and Insurance Company ZAD is a company registered in Bulgaria with the address of management and headquarters of the company –
Sofia, Tsanko Tserkovski St. 67A.

The address for correspondence with EZOK ZAD is the city of Sofia, 45 6th Septemvri Street.

On the links in the Documents section, you can find Detailed Consolidated Annual Reports on the Company’s Activity for 2016 and 2015.